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Job offer


Want to help out?

Get in touch with us at .

We are helped by volunteers from the local community as well as from abroad. For some people it is a one-off, while others stay with us for longer. We have also offered accommodation and help where necessary. We welcome volunteers directed to us from the Unemployment Insurance Fund as well as Alternative Service workers.

As a volunteer, the way you contribute depends mainly on what you yourself want to do. Whether or not you have previously worked with people with special psychological needs is insignificant, as you will do everything alongside an experienced employee and receive all necessary instruction.

As a volunteer, you can help out in the following ways:

  • helping with everyday activities such as cooking, gardening and leisure activities;
  • being a good friend to our residents by occasionally reading a book out loud, doing handicrafts, organising a hobby group or just chatting;
  • helping Personal Assistants organise one-off events;
  • coming along to and participating as a chaperone in outings, sports and cultural events;
  • helping out with maintenance, fixing up and creating assistive devices, playgrounds and other such equipment.

These are just some of the ways you can help. Feel free to contact us if you are interested!

Volunteers do not need to know Estonian, though we will need to determine beforehand whether existing employees can speak the volunteer’s language.

“After graduating from secondary school I was sure I wanted to go abroad, not just to travel, but also to do something good for people. I was really interested in Northern Europe and fascinated by the idea of learning new languages. So then all I had to do was pick the workplace that was best suited to me, and I ended up choosing the Viljandi Näituse and Karula homes. I loved the job a lot, because people with intellectual disabilities have such different ideas. We had some great times together, really fun times, as they often say exactly what they’re thinking. I’m glad to have been able to spend time with them!” Klemens, a volunteer from Germany


Volunteers in 2020 
Tallinn Kopli Home, Roberto (Italy)
Kodijärve Home, Iaana (Russia) and Dilara (Turkey)
Tartu Kaunase Home, Hector (Spain)
Tõrva Home, Ludmila (Russia) and Ismail (Turkey)
Pärnu Uus-Sauga Home, Michelle (Germany)
Karula Home, Cay (Turkey)
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